Education, Multiculture, Religion Islam, RespectAbstract
This study aims to describe and examine the implementation of multiculturalism in Islamic education. This research is considered important because the condition of Indonesian society which is diverse and plural requires an understanding of the advice of Islam regarding living together in diversity. Mutual respect and respect
for each other in differences. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the research location at SD Negeri 28 Manado. The data sources come from Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers and students at the school. Collecting data with, observation, interviews and documentation from various sources. Data were analyzed using the interactive qualitative analysis technique of the Miles & Huberman model, including: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the implementation of multiculturalism values in educational institutions, especially in Islamic Religious Education learning, can be carried out by utilizing PAI teaching materials that are relevant to multiculturalism themes. As used in this study, namely grade 6 material with the theme "The Beauty of Mutual Respect" based on the verses of Q.S. AlKafirun. By trying to teach the value of respecting
and appreciating others, students are taught to accept differences
and respect these differences as ordinances and from God. Students get a correct understanding of the meaning of respect and respect and its impact in everyday life.